Turtle Diseases

Raising your turtle means making sure you protect them against many diseases. Turtles can get sick and catch diseases easily so it's important to stay vigilant. You don't want your pet dying. Here are some diseases to watch out for and protect your turtle from:

Algae Growth– Turtles that spend a large portion of the day in the water will naturally form algae on their shell. Small amounts of algae will not hurt your turtle but if it keeps on growing, it will become necessary to remove the algae from your turtle's shell. To remove it, run the affected areas under warm water for a few minutes and then wipe it away. Make sure you check your turtle's tank for humidity to stop the algae from returning.

Blood Poisoning– Blood poisoning occurs most often after your turtle has cut itself and the wound has become infected. From there the bacteria can easily travel throughout the rest of the turtle’s body. You should take the turtle to the vet's office to get the proper medicine and get advice on how to dress the wound and ensure this does not happen again in the future.

Drowning– Young turtles are at the greatest risk of drowning because they are not as strong as older turtles but also because they can more easily become trapped. Make sure you design a good tank with the right amount of water and ensure there is nothing the turtle can become trapped under. If you put too much water in, you increase the chance your pet turtle might drown.

Eye Problems– Turtles can have a lot of problems with eyes. They can get a lot of parasites and as turtles get older, they can form cataracts. Some of these problems are unfixable. However, if you notice any changes in the appearance of your turtles eyes, take them to a vet right away. Don't wait because it may get worse if you wait.

Appetite Loss– There are a lot of reasons why a turtle might not eat. If the temperature is not right the turtle will have a hard time eating. Sometimes they don't for a day or two after they are moved or put into a new environment. If your turtle doesn't eat for more than a few days, it could be the sign of a larger problem.

Mouth Rot– Mouth rot occurs in turtles that have a large amount of bacteria built up in their mouth. This generally will cause a great deal of irritation on the lining of the turtles' mouth, making it red and sore. A lack of proper nutrition is usually the primary cause of mouth rot in turtles. A veterinarian will be needed to provide you with some sort of antibiotic or other ointment to apply to the turtles mouth.

Respiratory Infections- Unfortunately respiratory infections are very common in pet turtles. A variety of factors can cause respiratory infections, many of which are unavoidable. To do what you can to avoid this condition, ensure that the temperature and humidity levels are in line with what is suggested for your turtle. Signs of respiratory infections include stressed breathing, runny nose, swollen ears. If you do believe that your turtle has a respiratory infection check the temperature and humidity of your turtles’ habitat.

Shell Rot– Shell rot primarily occurs to due bacteria or fungi infections. The bacteria can rot the shell can come from a variety of sources such as dirty water or feeding the turtle food which has unwanted bacteria in it. The other major causes of shell rot or lack of proper nutrition and a lack of necessary vitamins. When a turtles shell begins to deteriorate it will need to be kept out of the water for as much time as possible. If a turtle has shell rot, it will take a lot of time for it to be fixed and require daily cleaning and care by you. You can fix shell rot but it is a very hard thing to fix.
Soft Shell– Turtles require a lot of vitamin D to keep their shell hard. If you provide them with a proper UVB bulb that will allow them to get enough vitamin D3. If possible it is best to take your turtle outside during the warmer months to provide it with direct sunlight. Another option is to provide your turtle with adequate D3 vitamins.

Turtles face a wide range of health problems but if you take good care of your turtle, you will find it will remain healthy for a long period of time. However, chances are that it will get sick at some point and it's important to make sure you understand the potential diseases a turtle might get and receive and how to cure them. Nobody wants their pet turtle to die on them.